Advice and Analysis

Needless to say, you want your energy project to perform optimally and deliver sustainable returns today and in the long term. Novar can help you identify your management needs, including analysis and advice about your assets.

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Would you like to know what we can do for you?

Opportunities for your asset

What do we do?

We are happy to advise you about how to make your energy project perform optimally. We will analyse your financial options, identify opportunities to improve your grid performance and evaluate your existing contracts. We also use intelligent models to look ahead using data. We use our understanding of factors including energy prices, changing weather patterns and the condition of your system to intervene at the right moment.

With proper maintenance and management, you can easily increase the yield of a large solar farm by 10 to 15 percent. We focus on optimal performance every year throughout the lifespan of the solar farm.”

Jan Klijnstra, Novar Services

We produce clear analyses that we use to advise you about the best choices for your assets, including technical, commercial and financial advice. The first step is always to monitor your systems and identify your objectives.

We identify and analyse risks using detailed reports about the technical condition of your system. We then give you specific advice about potential improvements: for example, we can determine when it’s time to clean your panels by studying the output of the soiling sensor.

We also give commercial advice, including clear advice about your PPA structures to ensure that you have the right green power purchasing and supply agreement. We also analyse the financial side of your asset and identify potential improvements to your administration? 

Your assets

We also give commercial advice, including clear advice about your PPA structures to ensure that you have the right green power purchasing and supply agreement. We also analyse the financial side of your asset and identify potential improvements to your administration.

Would you like to know what we can do for you?

Novar in practicde

For the long term

At Novar, we take a long-term view. Our services are based around collaboration and continuity. We make sure we know you and your assets well, so the advice we give always helps you achieve your objectives. After all, as an investor, that’s what you’re looking for.

We have accumulated years of experience by managing our own assets. As we manage around 1000 MWp of installed capacity, we know all there is to know about operating energy solutions. We have more than 20 years’ experience and always give your project the attention it deserves.

We combine our own knowledge and experience with that of our partners and keep a close eye on developments in the market. This means we can give you specific advice about how to implement operations and maintenance optimally. Novar can advise you about investing, insurance or returns   

The green energy system

At Novar, we think in terms of green energy systems. We realise assets such as solar farms. Every asset we deliver is another green building block that can be linked to your existing and future assets. This allows you to create a green energy system for your company step-by-step.

about Green energy systems

Generating your own energy

We believe that sustainable energy can make the world a better place. That’s why we realise projects to generate more
energy from green sources, including solar energy.

The green energy system

Efficient energy use

Novar supplies PPAs, corporate PPAs and GoOs, so you can be certain the energy you use has been sustainably generated. The systems and services we supply are integrated smartly and adapted to your user profile.

About energy use

Smart storage

Waste not, want not: we realise major sustainable energy storage projects with batteries, green hydrogen and heat so clients can reap the maximum benefits from the green energy we generate together.

About storage

Optimal management

Every solar farm, wind farm or solar roof should generate the maximum returns. We manage energy projects and keep them in good technical and financial health.

about management

The green energy system

Generating your own energy

Efficient energy use

Smart storage

Optimal management

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

Contact us

contact us – we’re happy to help.
