Solar on water

Solutions » Generating » Solar on water

We all know that transitioning to a sustainable energy system can’t wait, so let’s do it together. What about solar panels on water? In the Netherlands, we must use the space available to us creatively. Because we need to conserve usable agricultural land, and because not all roofs are suitable for solar panels, we need to consider other solutions. Solar panels on water, which are known as a floating solar farm, are a good sustainable solution.

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Solar and water

Creative thinking is essential to accelerate the sustainable transition. We need to think beyond familiar solutions. We’re not afraid to think differently. We can generate sustainable energy with solar panels on water. This works very well, because the reflections on the water increase the yield considerably. We are currently developing floating solar projects in The Netherlands.

A lake full of solar panels

As an entrepreneur, you know what’s best for your company. The decisions you make aren’t just for now, but also for the future: so make a sustainable choice.

Do you have a lake of at least 10 hectares, such as a sand mining lake? Then we’d love to talk to you about what will happen to the lake after the sand mining ceases. This will be to your advantage, of course. By selling the lake to Novar, you can immediately reap the proceeds of the sale.

Sustainable choice

Benefit immediately


How we do it

We install solar panels on lakes of at least 10 hectares. The panels are mounted on floats, which make the structure resilient to weather conditions that cause waves. The floating panels simply move with the waves.

We securely anchor the structure to keep it in position and minimise the impact on the ecology around the lake shore. The lake shore has the highest ecological value, which of course we don’t want to disturb.

Your location

Suitable locations for a floating solar farm

The most suitable locations for a floating solar farm are (former) sand mining lakes, as swimming is often prohibited in these lakes because they are very deep and there is a risk of subsidence. Sometimes sand is still mined in these lakes. Installing solar panels can also be a great solution in this situation. We use the ‘excess’ space smartly while the existing sand mining operations continue uninterrupted.

Of course other lakes are also suitable for solar panels, including (former) fish ponds, dredging depots, water purification facilities, reservoirs and other inland waters.

Time for action

You have the location, we have the knowledge. We can make a real sustainable impact together. If you would like to know more about how you can make your lake sustainable, please contact us.

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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contact us – we’re happy to help.
