Leasing your land

Solutions » Generating » Solar on land » Leasing your land

Take specific steps towards realising the energy transition by leasing out your land for solar panels. As the market leader in solar panels on land, we know better than anyone how to realise a successful solar farm. You supply the land, we’ll provide the expertise: together, we can make the world sustainable.

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Leasing out your land for solar panels

Needless to say, you know what’s best for your company. The choices you make aren’t just for now, but also for the future. By leasing your land to us, you can make a sustainable investment in a healthy future for your company and our planet.

If you lease your land to Novar, you are guaranteed a sound financial return from the solar panels every month for thirty years. You don’t need to make any investments yourself, and we’ll handle the permits and financing. We’ll also take care of the maintenance and feed the green power into the grid. By leasing out your land, you don’t need to worry about running the solar farm.

How do we do it?

We begin with a no-obligation survey to determine whether your land is suitable for a solar farm. One of the first conditions is that the land area must be at least 10 hectares. It’s also important that we can connect the solar farm to the electrical grid and we need to know the local building standards. Your municipality’s sustainability policy plays a major role.

Want to know more?

Leasing out your land

If you decide to lease out your land, we’ll first draw up a contract with conditions for the construction of the solar farm. This includes the monthly fee we pay you, the operating period (25 to 30 years) and how the land will be handed back at the end of the partnership. You don’t need to worry about operating the solar farm, and we’ll return the land to the original condition after thirty years. It’s as easy as that.

Types of land that can be leased out

Do you have 10 hectares of agricultural land, meadow or other vacant land? We’ll make your land work sustainably. In return, you’re guaranteed a monthly income for thirty years. If you would like to know whether your land is suitable for a solar farm, please contact us.

Using land multifunctionally

When using land for solar panels, we always try to find a way of using it for another purpose at the same time. We examine the possibilities together to determine how to use it optimally, for example by having sheep graze under the panels.

The best solution for your land

Do you have a plot of land of at least 10 hectares that you haven’t yet found a suitable use for? Then use that land to make the world more sustainable. At Novar, we look forward to finding a total solution with you so your land can be used sustainably. Contact us now or schedule an appointment.

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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