Smart and efficient energy use.

Solutions » Efficient energy use

Green energy is a major step forwards, but how you integrate that energy into your system is crucial to the success of your sustainability initiatives. Novar realises smart energy distribution projects, including smart grids, private networks, charging points, storage, supply solutions and more. You decide your goals and Novar will fix it.

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Our solutions

Efficient solutions for renewable energy generation.

Your energy management

OK, so your energy is green. Great! But how can you use it in a smart, future-proof way? By creating a smart energy grid, you can increase your flexibility and thus the probability of financial and sustainable success. The result: efficient co-ordination of supply and demand, sufficient capacity and plenty of space for extra applications such as charging infrastructure.

Novar takes care of your energy management. We realise projects to create an efficient, carefully planned energy distribution system. These include smart grids for efficient energy consumption and private networks, which don’t affect the regional electrical grid and create capacity for new developments. We also offer various solutions to realise a reliable green energy supply.

Smart grids and CDS

We develop smart grids for clients who want to operate smartly, efficiently and sustainably. A smart grid knows how much energy you need at each moment and co-ordinates supply and demand. It also takes account of the energy you generate yourself, for example with a solar farm, and the energy you store. A smart grid is also a good solution for industrial estates with voltage problems or reactive power consumption: electricity you pay for but don’t use efficiently. With a smart grid, less energy is wasted, the costs of purchasing energy decrease and you help prevent grid congestion. Novar also realises closed distribution systems (CDSs). These closed grids are private electrical systems that allow new energy projects, such as solar farms and wind farms, to be realised without affecting the public grid. With a CDS, you act as the local grid operator. This allows you to realise major energy projects without being dependent on the available capacity of the regional electrical grid.

Charging infra

Get more out of your network with charging points for emission-free mobility. Novar realises charging infrastructure for businesses and municipalities to help them take further steps towards sustainability. By facilitating electric mobility, you can also increase the value of your business premises and in turn your appeal to customers, visitors, employees and residents. Electric charging is optimally efficient when combined with a smart grid.

Green supply

Do you want to use green energy but don’t yet have your own solar farm? Or do you need extra green energy? Novar provides Corporate PPAs and GoOs so you can be sure the electricity you use is sustainably generated. With a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA), you make a long-term commitment to purchase green power from a specific solar farm or wind farm.

We also offer Corporate HPAs (Heat Purchase Agreements) for sustainable heat. With a Guarantee of Origin (GoO), you can be certain the quantity of energy you purchase has been sustainably generated somewhere.

While this doesn’t mean the energy you consume is actually sustainable, exactly that quantity has been sustainably generated somewhere. This means you’re still contributing to the growth of sustainable energy in the Netherlands.

The green energy system

At Novar, we think in terms of green energy systems. We realise assets such as solar farms. Every asset we deliver is another green building block that can be linked to your existing and future assets. This allows you to create a green energy system for your company step-by-step.

about Green energy systems

Generating your own energy

We believe that sustainable energy can make the world a better place. That’s why we realise projects to generate more
energy from green sources, including solar energy.

The green energy system

Efficient energy use

Novar supplies PPAs, corporate PPAs and GoOs, so you can be certain the energy you use has been sustainably generated. The systems and services we supply are integrated smartly and adapted to your user profile.

About energy use

Smart storage

Waste not, want not: we realise major sustainable energy storage projects with batteries, green hydrogen and heat so clients can reap the maximum benefits from the green energy we generate together.

About storage

Optimal management

Every solar farm, wind farm or solar roof should generate the maximum returns. We manage energy projects and keep them in good technical and financial health.

about management

The green energy system

Generating your own energy

Efficient energy use

Smart storage

Optimal management

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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contact us – we’re happy to help.
