Solar on land

Solutions » Generating » Solar on land

We believe that sustainable energy can make the world a better place. That’s why we realise projects to generate more energy from green sources, including solar energy. As market leader in solar projects, we know how to realize a successful solar park like no other. We do this with years of experience, new technologies and a healthy dose of decisiveness.

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Realise solar parks

We start the process with a no-obligation survey to determine whether your land is suitable for a solar farm. We have a solution for all soil types, so it doesn’t matter what type of land you have. The only condition is that the land must be at least 10 hectares. Land with an area of 10 hectares can accommodate around 30,000 solar panels to generate sustainable energy. That’s quite a lot.

Together we decide whether we deliver the green energy directly to your organisation, or to deliver it to the power grid. Once the grid has no capacity, we’ll arrange another suitable solution. Novar takes care of the financing, subsidies, and building the business case. Complete peace of mind guaranteed.

Suitable land

Before we can realise a solar project on land, we thoroughly investigate the location. Almost all types of land are suitable to realise a solar park; we just take a different approach. In some cases, the investigation reveals that the location has archaelogical significance. In such situations, we are able to locate the construction entirely above the ground, without affecting the subsoil.

Do you own agricultural land? If so, we’ll find solutions to utilize the land in multiple ways. For instance, by making sure that sheep can graze under the solar panels. Our solar parks are not permanent. After a period of 25 to 30 years, we ensure that the site is restored to its original state.

Your location

Deploying land for a solar park

At Novar there are different ways to deploy your land for a solar park. Do you want to lease or sell your land? We’ll take care of the development, realisation and exploitation of the park. If you decide to lease out your land, we’ll first draw up a contract with conditions for the construction of the solar farm. This includes the monthly fee we pay you, the operating period (25 to 30 years) and how the land will be handed back at the end of the partnership.

Another option is to sell it to us. There are no agreements made about the operating period of the park. At the notary we arrange the sale of the land. The biggest upside with selling the land is that you directly receive the selling price instead of a periodic payment.

From A to Zero

A complete solution

At Novar we opt for a complete solution for your energy issue. It does not stop with energy generation alone. Where possible, we complete the solution with storage. Together we look at the complete picture.

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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contact us – we’re happy to help.
