The industrial sector is embracing a sustainable future. This is the moment to speed up that process to comply with all CO2 emissions standards, but also because reliable and affordable energy is essential to the future of your company. Novar knows how. We realise major green energy projects that we link to your energy consumption.
Want to know which solution fits you best? Conversate with one of our experts.
Whether it’s heat or electricity, manufacturing requires a huge amount of energy. There’s no getting around it, but it must – and can – be done cleaner and more efficiently. It’s no surprise that sustainability is high on your agenda. You want to achieve your sustainable goals, get your energy management under control and realise your growth ambitions. All this needs determination. Novar delivers specific energy projects with an immediate impact on industrial companies.
NOVAR in practice
Together we look at what solutions work for your situation. Because every company has its own profile of energy consumption. Converting waste heat into electricity, energy storage and guarantee of origin certificates. This is what we get to work with. We realize turn-key projects:smart grids, clean energy supply, your own solar park, energy storage, hydrogen, e-boilers and more. Including design and operational advice. Always connected and tailored to your demand.
As a leader in onshore solar farms and with our experience in solar thermal and hydrogen production, we know what it takes for a project to be successful – from financing to permitting, from construction to management. That’s how we fix your energy transition. From A to Zero.
Novar is currently developing a hydrogen system at the Vloeivelden Hollandia solar farm in Nieuw-Buinen. This project is expected to be completed in Q2 of 2024.
industry trends
From A to Zero
The industry must become more sustainable. That much is clear, but how? At Novar, we achieve this step by step, asset by asset. We call this “From A to Zero
Optimally mathed
From individual assets to green energy systems, we ensure that all assets are perfectly aligned. This is how you achieve optimal returns.
Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.