Solar system bontepolder – Terneuzen

The ideal solution: a solar farm with battery

Projecten » Solar system Bontepolder – Terneuzen

Novar completed the realization of solar park Bontepolder in December 2021. The solar park was built on a former landfill in Terneuzen.

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31,962Solar panels on the ground
17.21 MWpGenerating capacity
5,277Households provided

Solar system Bontepolder

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About solar farm Bontepolder

This concerns two plots of land that make up the former Bontepolder landfill. The total area of the solar park covers approximately 11.8 hectares. Given the fact that the plots have been used as landfills in the past, they lend themselves perfectly to the development of a solar park. With the generation of solar energy, a sustainable character is given to the former landfill site. By means of 31,962 panels, sustainable energy will be generated to be able to provide over 5,200 households with green electricity.

Meanwhile, the environmental permit for the farm has been granted and subsidies have been promised from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. At the end of 2020, we received the financing for the farm and then began construction. On December 16, 2022, the connection for the farm was completed. We are currently completing the landscaping of the project.


Together with a landscape architect and in consultation with local residents, a landscape incorporation has been drawn up. This also meets the preconditions set by the municipality, water board and other stakeholders. Given the desire to hide the farm from view, high green strips were chosen to surround the solar farm. The landscaping of the farm will take place in two phases. From the beginning of March until the end of April 2023, we will sow the grasses on the farm. This is also when we place the ecological points from the permit, such as stone piles and cabinets. From October 2023, we plant the hedges and greenbelts around the farm.


At the end of 2022, a battery was also realized at this solar park, this is also called an energy storage system (EOS). A permit for this was granted on September 13, 2022. On January 11, 2023, the battery was officially placed under the management of Novar. This is the first Dutch battery to be used on such a large scale at a solar farm on the same grid connection. The battery has a capacity of 5 megawatts and a storage capacity of 5 megawatt hours and was developed by Alfen.

Former landfill

Bontepolder is a former landfill: something completely different from a green energy system such as a solar farm. By realizing a solar farm on this otherwise unusable land in combination with a battery, both the municipality of Terneuzen and the province of Zeeland come a lot closer to their climate goals.

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In use

On December 16, 2022, the connection for the park was completed. We are currently completing the landscaping of the project.

Last edited on 2 October 2024

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