Visiting address
81 Rue du Traité de Rome
84140 Avignon, Frankrijk
The office
Our office is settled in a start up incubator, owned bij the city.
Visiting address
Mårten Krakowgatan 2
411 04 Göteborg
Public transport
Our office is just a five minutes’ walk from the central station in the middle of Gothenburg.
Visiting address
Emmasingel 4
9726 AH Groningen
You can use the Cascade Station Groningen P+R parking facility.
Public transport
Our office is just four minutes’ walk from Groningen station.
Visiting adress
Marten Meesweg 8
3068 AV Rotterdam
You can park your car at our office free of charge. We can request a parking space for you in advance if you wish to use this facility. Your contact person at Novar can help you.
Public transport
The closest station is Rotterdam Alexander. Our office is four minutes’ walk from there.
Visiting adress
Jansbuitensingel 30
6811 AE Arnhem
We have free parking spaces below our office. Call us when you arrive at our office so we can open the garage door for you.
Public transport
Our office is over 10 minutes’ walk from Arnhem Centraal station. It’s quicker to take the bus..